Chisholm’s LINKS Literacy Program offers a community-based literacy program for elementary aged children (grades 1-6) who are reading below grade level or who may have been diagnosed with a learning difference. Inclusivity and accessibility are a top priority to ensure we can help as many children as possible to learn to read, to read to learn.
Our Approach
The LINKS Literacy Program is offered through both in-person and distance learning models.
The program provides learning opportunities for children with a focus on phonological awareness (understanding sounds in words), reading comprehension (understanding words and their meaning), using tools such as sight words (helps to memorize common words), nonsense words (helps match sounds to letters) and instructional resources such as Handwriting Without Tears (a program to make handwriting fun).
Small group and one-on-one sessions are offered twice a week. Each session is one hour where the instructor provides short skill-based activities to build on a child’s literacy strengths.
LINKS has helped my son become more excited about reading. Reading at home used to cause arguments but now he actually wants to read to us. He’s proud of himself. -- Parent / Caregiver
During the school year, the LINKS program is offered twice weekly from four different schools in the Halifax Regional Municipality. These include St. Joseph’s-Alexander McKay Elementary School (Halifax), Rockingstone Heights School (Spryfield), Harbour View Elementary School (Dartmouth), and Sycamore Lane Elementary School (Lower Sackville).
LINKS is also offered through a distance model as well.
Register Today
Does LINKS sound like the right program for your child? To discuss next steps and register, contact our Program Manager, Tirsa Finlay, by calling 902.423.0577 or emailing links@chisholm4children.ca.